One of the features requested by many players is music. I’m excited to announce that music is now in 8BitMMO!
Amazing chiptune artists Danimal Cannon, Zef, PROTODOME, and Honin Myo Audio have agreed to let me use a number of their excellent songs in-game. All told there is now 82 minutes of high quality music included. Select tracks from these albums are included:

The tracks played are dependent on the area you’re in: Town areas will play more relaxed songs, Wilderness areas will play adventurous tracks, and PVP/PVE areas will play actionful combat music. And when you level-up, there’s a special track for that too!
Whenever you’re curious about the current song playing, hover over the music information box at the top of the screen:

- Skip – skips the currently playing song
- Thumbs Up – lets me know you like the currently playing song. Over time, I will be able to see what everyone’s favorite songs are and prioritize the playlists accordingly
- Visit Artist Website – if you enjoy the song, go to the artist’s website to download it!
Also, you can now modify music/sfx volume in options. These volume level settings will be saved between sessions.
Getting the Update
Steam – Allow Steam to update the game then relaunch from Steam.
Desktop Edition – Download the latest Desktop Edition Launcher from here.
Web Applet / Kongregate / Amazon Editions – When in-game, simply hover over the music icon and click “Download Music!”. The music files will download in the background and begin playing automatically after the download is complete — it’s 130 megs, so it might take a minute 🙂
Big thank you to all artists that allowed the use of their music. Much of it brings back good memories of old school games.
Great picks sim.